Is Home Emergency Cover Worth It? What to Know

Home emergency cover offers homeowners protection for sudden and unforeseen repairs. This coverage offers peace of mind.

Home emergency cover is a form of insurance that provides homeowners with protection against unexpected and urgent home repairs. It covers a range of issues such as burst pipes, boiler breakdowns, and electrical faults. While this type of coverage can provide peace of mind, it also comes with a cost. The question arises: is home emergency cover worth it? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of home emergency coverage to help you make an informed decision on whether or not to invest in this type of insurance.

What Is Home Emergency Cover?

Home emergency cover is an insurance policy that provides homeowners with protection against urgent and unexpected home repairs. It covers a range of issues that can occur in a home, including plumbing and drainage problems, boiler breakdowns, electrical faults, gas leaks, and pest infestations.

When a homeowner experiences an emergency, they can call their insurance provider, who will send out a qualified tradesperson to assess and repair the problem. The cost of the repair is typically covered by the insurance policy, up to a certain limit.

Pros of Home Emergency Cover

1. Peace of Mind

Home emergency cover can provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that they are protected against unexpected and costly repairs.

2. Quick Response

In the event of an emergency, homeowners can call their insurance provider, who will send out a qualified tradesperson to assess and repair the problem. This can provide a quick and efficient solution to urgent repairs.

3. Cost-Effective

Home emergency cover can be a cost-effective way to manage unexpected repairs. Rather than paying for repairs out of pocket, homeowners can rely on their insurance policy to cover the cost of the repair, up to a certain limit.

Factors to Consider

1 - The Maximum Amount You Can Claim

It's important to consider the maximum amount you can claim under your home emergency cover policy. This will determine the level of protection you have in case of a major emergency, such as a burst pipe or boiler breakdown. Make sure you choose a policy with a high enough limit to cover the cost of any potential repairs.

2 - The Excess Amount

Most home emergency cover policies come with an excess amount, which is the amount you need to pay towards any repairs or call-outs. This can vary between policies and providers, so it's important to check the excess amount before purchasing a policy.

3 - What's Covered

Different home emergency cover policies cover different things, so it's important to check the details of what's included. Some policies only cover specific emergencies, such as a boiler breakdown or a burst pipe, while others may include a wider range of emergencies, such as electrical or plumbing issues.

4 - The Reputation of the Provider

Before purchasing the home emergency cover, it's important to research the reputation of the provider. Look for reviews and ratings from other customers to see how reliable and efficient the provider is in responding to emergencies and handling claims.

5 - Any Exclusions or Limitations

It's important to check for any exclusions or limitations in the policy, such as age limits, geographical restrictions, or specific conditions that aren't covered. This will help you avoid any surprises when you need to make a claim.


Home emergency cover can provide peace of mind and protection against unexpected and urgent home repairs. However, it also comes with a cost and limitations on coverage. Before investing in this type of insurance, homeowners should consider their individual needs and budget to determine if it is worth it for them. It may be beneficial for some homeowners, while others may decide to save money and pay for repairs out of pocket when needed.

If you are looking for home emergency cover, apply for a quote from Smart Cover. We aim to provide our customers with reliable cover for a wide range of household products. Our competitive premium rates, limited excesses and streamlined claims settlement ensure all our customers receive professional service and, above all, peace of mind.