How to Improve EPC rating? Home Energy Saving Tips

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) document, valid for 10 years, that indicates a home's energy efficiency.

The Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are graded from A to G, with “A” the most efficient and ``G '' the least efficient. If you already own a property and want to rent it out, you'll need an EPC certification. Moreover, that certificate is currently regarded as a formality, but that will not be the case for much longer. In a nutshell, an EPC rating assesses a building's energy efficiency.

There are several solutions offered if you want to increase the value of your home. So, let’s discover how much a good energy efficiency rating may add to the home's value.


EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) document, valid for 10 years, that indicates a home's energy efficiency.

Even though EPCs have been around for a long time, there is still little understanding of what defines a given rating level outside the energy assessors themselves. However, many people have no idea what an EPC E rating or C rating signifies, leading to some misunderstanding and a reluctance to accept their classification as accurate.


Please keep in mind that the average house rating in the United Kingdom is a D-60. There are a variety of explanations for your poor grade. Only more than a few poor property characteristics can lower the rating, while a few high-performing factors can have the inverse result. If you have one of the following, your rating will most likely be lower than you think:

  • No heating or electric-only heating
  • High amount of poorly insulated heat loss walls
  • Poor loft insulation 


Why and how to improve EPC rating?

Improving your EPC rating involves increasing the energy efficiency of your property.

Even if you aren't planning to move, it's worth checking your home's EPC rating to see how to lower your energy expenses and carbon emissions. Ensure you get a new EPC once you’ve made energy efficiency improvements to your property. Here are some suggestions for increasing the rating.


Double glazing. Upgrading your doors and windows enhances your home’s energy efficiency, but it will also reduce noise. Double glazing does not add as many credits as loft and wall insulation. While double glazing may not have the same effect on the EPC as a wall or loft insulation, it helps prevent heat loss via the windows.

However, if your home isn't already double-glazed, you can improve your score by up to 10 points. Triple glazing is becoming more and more popular and can help you save money by decreasing the amount of heat escaping via your windows.

  • Wall insulation. It will appropriate for homes constructed with a space between two levels of brick. Insulation can be blown in through holes punched in the wall from the exterior of your home. These holes will be filled in the future to match your brickwork. This is a simple and inexpensive approach to raising your EPC rating.

  • Replace your boiler. Your EPC score will be significantly lowered if your boiler is outdated. Moreover, replacing it with an energy-efficient one is pricey, but it will increase your rating. You could obtain even more EPC points using a clever thermostat and thermostatic radiator valves.

According to the age of your current boiler, upgrading to a newer condensing type can boost your rating dramatically. On the other hand, a very efficient one could substantially impact your points, potentially increasing them by 40 points.

·         Loft insulation. Ensuring your loft insulation is at least 270mm thick is the most straightforward approach to boosting your EPC rating. The energy escaping the roof will be reduced if the loft is properly insulated. It's simple to set up, inexpensive and can save you money on your utility bills. 

Additional insulation can be cost-effective to improve your score, mainly if your old insulation is insufficient or non-existent. By boosting wall insulation to at least 270mm thick, the power that escapes through the wall can be significantly reduced. A poorly insulated roof can be the cause of up to 33% the property’ heat loss.

Do I need an Energy performance certificate if I buy or rent a place?

Although it is the seller's or landlord's duty to obtain an EPC. For sellers, before selling the house, getting an EPC for your property is a legal necessity. This can be done through your estate agent or by contacting an EPC company directly.


For Buyer

You will be receiving an EPC at the time of purchase. You can also use its recommendations to help you prepare any alterations you want to make or even try to negotiate the home's price.

For Landlords and renters

If you're a buy-to-let landlord, having an EPC rating of E or higher is a legal obligation before having new tenants or maintaining an existing lease. Before you rent a house, make sure your homeowner gives you an EPC and utilise the cost breakdown to help you manage your budget.


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