6 main maintenance practices to avoid car breakdown

6 main maintenance practices to avoid car breakdown


Everyone loves a smoothly running car; it's like music to a driver's ears. However, it requires regular maintenance to keep it in perfect condition. These six main maintenance practices will help to avoid a car breakdown, saving you from the unnecessary hassle and expenses of repair.

Regular oil and filter changes

Just as the human heart needs clean blood to function optimally, so does the car's engine require clean oil. Over time, engine oil becomes contaminated with dust, debris, and other impurities, both from the engine's inner workings and the environment. This can hurt your car's performance and longevity. The antidote? Regular oil and filter changes, which act as a purifying mechanism for your engine.

This essential maintenance task ensures that your car's engine is always lubricated with fresh, clean oil, covering it from wear and tear and improving fuel efficiency. It's a bit like giving your car a regular health check – it keeps the engine 'heart' beating strongly and reliably.

When you change the engine oil, don't forget to replace the oil filter as well. This is crucial as the filter removes impurities from the oil, preventing them from entering the engine and causing damage.

To know when to change your oil and filter, refer to your car's owner's manual. Most manufacturers suggest an oil change every 12,000 miles, but it varies depending on the make and model of your vehicle.

Consistent tyre maintenance

The condition of your tyres is essential not only to the smooth running of your car but also to your safety on the road. Maintaining your tires is a crucial aspect of car care, not to be overlooked. How often have you checked the inflation of your tyres or inspected them for signs of wear and tear? Neglecting to do so can lead to poor handling, reduced fuel efficiency, and in worse cases, a dangerous blowout at speed.

Correct tyre pressure is vital. Not only does it reduce the risk of sudden tyre failure, but it also improves the vehicle's grip and handling. Each car has a specific recommended tyre pressure, typically found in the vehicle’s manual or inside the driver’s door.

Keeping an eye on the tread depth is equally important. In the UK, the legal minimum tread depth for cars is 1.6mm. If your tyre tread is below this, your stopping distance in wet conditions can significantly increase, and it's also a legal requirement.

And let's not forget tyre rotation. To achieve even wear and elongate the life of your tyres, it's recommended to rotate them as per the vehicle manufacturer's guidelines. This can often coincide with your oil change for ease.

As a vehicle owner, make tyre maintenance a part of your routine car care. By doing so, you're ensuring a safer, smoother drive while reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

Car breakdown insurance serves as a crucial safety net, highlighted in the comprehensive guide on maintenance practices to prevent car breakdowns. While regular maintenance reduces risks, breakdown cover becomes the vital layer of cover when unforeseen events occur. Whether facing a flat tire in a remote area or an unexpected engine failure on a busy road, breakdown cover offers essential assistance. Beyond roadside recovery, it encompasses services like alternative transport, accommodation, and even European coverage. Choosing a suitable policy aligning with individual needs is essential. In essence, breakdown cover complements routine maintenance, providing assurance against the stress and burdens of unexpected breakdowns, making it a sensible addition to any car care routine.

Regularly checking and replacing the brakes

Imagine driving along a picturesque road, the breeze in your hair, your favourite tune playing, and then you see a sudden obstruction. You slam on the brakes, but they squeak, grind, or don't bring your car to a stop as quickly as they should. That's a chilling scenario, isn't it? Ensuring the robustness of your brakes is a non-negotiable part of regular vehicle maintenance.

Brakes bear the brunt of everyday use and gradually wear down. If you notice any unusual noises like squealing or grinding, or if your vehicle seems to jerk when you brake, it's time to have your brakes inspected. These could be signs that your brake pads are worn out and need replacing.

Taking your car for brake checks at regular intervals allows for early detection of potential issues that could compromise your safety and cause damage to your vehicle. Moreover, it prevents the added stress and expense of dealing with a breakdown caused by faulty brakes.

So, do not ignore the signs your car is giving you. Regular checks and timely replacements of your vehicle's brakes could be the difference between a smooth drive and an unexpected breakdown. Being proactive about brake maintenance can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that your driving experience remains a joy, not a chore.

Maintaining the battery

There’s no worse feeling than being stranded with a lifeless vehicle due to a flat battery. This can be avoided with a bit of attention towards the battery health. Car battery maintenance isn't rocket science, it’s just about keeping a few things in check. The battery terminals, for instance, can become corroded over time which can affect the performance of the battery. Regular cleaning will ensure they remain corrosion-free.

Securing your battery properly is equally important. Excessive vibration can lead to internal damage and short circuits. Hence, make sure your battery is fastened securely in its mount and check it regularly to ensure it stays that way.

Batteries have a natural lifespan and often give warning signs when they are nearing the end of it. Dim lights, slow cranking engine, or frequent need for jump-starts all indicate that your battery is on its last leg. Ignoring these signs could mean an unexpected breakdown. Therefore, it's always wise to replace the battery proactively when it shows signs of deterioration.

Consistent battery maintenance can be the difference between a regular day and an unexpected interruption. With a bit of regular upkeep, your car battery can serve you efficiently for a good number of years, saving you from the inconvenience of an untimely breakdown.

Checking and changing the transmission fluid

Your car's gearbox oil is similar to a hardworking multitasker; it acts both as a lubricant and a coolant. However, over time, just like an overworked employee, it can lose its efficiency due to contamination or degradation. This could result in rough gear shifting and, if left unchecked, could cause significant damage to your gearbox.

Monitoring the condition and level of your gearbox oil regularly is thus essential. This not only keeps your vehicle running smoothly but also helps avoid the risk of a potential breakdown. As a rule of thumb, the oil should be reddish and clear. If it's brown or has a burnt smell, it's a red flag that the oil needs changing.

The frequency of changing your gearbox oil depends on the vehicle's make and model, as well as its usage. A look into your car's owner's manual will offer accurate guidelines on this. However, if you are frequently towing heavy loads or driving in stop-and-go traffic, you might need to change the oil more often.

Maintaining your gearbox oil is a bit like nurturing a relationship; it needs regular check-ins and attention to keep things running smoothly. So, do not underestimate the importance of this vital yet often overlooked aspect of car maintenance. Because, after all, your vehicle's gearbox is fundamental to its overall performance and longevity.

Periodic comprehensive car Inspection

Have you ever considered a 'health check-up' for your car? Much like how we routinely visit the doctor to ensure our well-being, our vehicles too need consistent, comprehensive inspections to ensure their healthy functioning. It's all about stopping problems before they start; nipping them in the bud before they grow into large-scale complications.

This goes beyond the regular checks you carry out yourself, like tyre pressure or oil changes. It involves getting a professional to examine your vehicle's key systems thoroughly. We're talking about the cooling system, power steering, undercarriage, and even things as seemingly trivial as lights - they're all vital parts of your car's overall well-being and can lead to unforeseen issues if left unchecked.

Just imagine – spotting a leak in your cooling system during a routine check could prevent an engine overheating situation on a hot summer's day. Or catching a minor power steering fluid leak could avert a potential accident caused by loss of steering control. Now, isn't that a comforting thought?

This preventative approach enables early detection and rectification of potential issues, allowing them to be dealt with during regular servicing and effectively averting the possibility of unexpected breakdowns.

So, make it a habit to schedule regular comprehensive inspections for your car. It's a small price to pay for the massive benefits of ensuring your vehicle's longevity and your peace of mind. And remember, a well-maintained car is a reliable car. So, let's keep it running at its best!

Importance of motor breakdown cover

While regular maintenance of your vehicle undoubtedly decreases the risk of unexpected breakdowns, life often has a way of throwing curveballs, and your car isn't immune. Here's where the significance of motor breakdown cover comes into play.

Think of it as a safety net, there to catch you when the unforeseen happens. Whether it's a flat tyre in the middle of nowhere, a sudden engine failure on a busy motorway, or even something as seemingly trivial as running out of fuel, motor breakdown cover provides that critical layer of coverage when you need it the most.

It’s not just about roadside recovery or home-start assistance, the comprehensive covers also include valuable services like alternative transport, accommodation expenses if your vehicle needs overnight repairs, and even European cover, providing you peace of mind during continental jaunts.

Remember, not all breakdown covers are the same. They range from basic, which offers roadside assistance and towing to a nearby garage, to comprehensive ones that include a whole host of additional services. It's vital to choose a policy that best fits your specific needs and usage.

In essence, motor breakdown cover is about planning for the unplannable, covering you from the potential stress and burden of unexpected vehicle failures. It’s the sensible complement to your car maintenance routine, providing that extra assurance in your motoring life.


In essence, the old adage 'prevention is better than cure' holds in the realm of vehicle maintenance. Regular upkeep may appear daunting, but it's far less taxing, both emotionally Than handling a car breakdown. A stitch in time not only keeps your car humming along smoothly, but it also allows you to sidestep an avalanche of stress, saving valuable time and resources in the long haul. So, adopt these maintenance tips as part of your regular car care regimen, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're always ready for the road ahead. Remember, a well-tuned car isn't just about performance and longevity; it's about making every journey safe, enjoyable, and stress-free.