How to Fix Smelly Drains?

How to Fix Smelly Drains?

In this post, we'll cover

Is your home or bathroom emitting a strong, foul-smell? The smell may be coming from your drain. Drains that stink are a typical problem for homeowners. Food/soap particles, grease, and other wasting stuff can ultimately cause your drains to stink; it’s preferable to deal with the stink now rather than waiting for it to worsen. A stinking blocked drain is one of the most unpleasant odours you'll ever encounter at home. It's nasty, overbearing, and tends to linger. Moreover, the stench of a blocked drain can permeate your entire home. Sometimes, a blocked kitchen drain can give your house an unpleasant rotten-food odour.


Reasons for Smelly drains

There are various reasons for a blocked and smelly drain in your house or outside your home; the most important thing is to recognise it and seek solutions. If you haven't used your drain in a while, you may only need to run the water and replenish the P-trap to avoid the odour. A goose-necked pipe segment is inserted in drain lines to prevent sewer gas from wafting out through the drain. Moreover, the water in the trap evaporates when the sink is not in use, and the drain is the root of the odour in the kitchen.

When you smell anything strange coming from your drains, try to figure out where it's coming from. Something as basic as bacteria and muck accumulation could be causing the odour. Consider the contents of your drains, including foodstuff, hair, and filth in the bathroom. So, when these materials become lodged in the pipes, they might emit a terrible smell. Furthermore, odours typically accompany blockages, so this is a strong indication that it's time to take action.

When greasy and oily food condenses in your dishwasher drain, it can smell like a rotten egg. Food scraps are left to rot in the waste disposal unit in the kitchen sink. Moreover, a mouldy or rotten smell indicates that the waste disposal needs to be cleaned. To avoid the smell of sewer entering your home, ensure your new sink or bathtub has a suitable drain trap installed, and it must be installed by a professional.



Smelly drains inside the house

There's nothing quite like a relaxing bath to help you unwind, the hot water easing your strained muscles to the lovely scent of candles. On the other hand, a smelly drain will undoubtedly detract us from the tranquil atmosphere. Moreover, your washer and dryer, bathroom, kitchen, and garage drains naturally accumulate bacteria, resulting in the unpleasant scents. Gutters that are cleaned once a week are less likely to stink. You should also sanitise your plumbing and keep trash from blocking your drains to a minimum.

The stink will go away if you clean your drains using a simple, fresh drain cleaner. If you are unable to clean it, get help from professionals.


Clean smelly drains in the Kitchen

As quickly as you detect the scent of smelly drains in your kitchen, trying to eliminate it will undoubtedly be at the top of your to-do list, but how do you get rid of it and keep it from coming back? It's simple to keep your sink from stinking. Only a few healthy practices and regular maintenance are required.

There are many items in your home that can successfully clean the blocked drain. These are the major components you'll require:

·         Boiling water and White vinegar

·         Baking soda

·         Rubber gloves

To prevent pieces of food from entering your drains, place a drainage screen over the plughole. Pouring fat or grease down the drain is not a good idea. Instead, soak or remove oil off your pans with a dish towel before cleaning them. Put the hot water in the sewer to eliminate bacteria and if you're going away and won't be using your sink for a while, pour baking soda into your drain. Make frequent service checkups a habit.

Pour boiling water down the drain to unblock. Put half a cup of baking soda down the drain and wait a few seconds or some minutes for it to work. This technique enables the hot water and bicarbonate of soda solution to dissolve the dirt. Allow 5-15 minutes for the process to complete. Finish by pouring another cup of boiling water over the area to remove any remaining filth.


Bathroom and Shower

Your bathroom sink gets a lot of movement, from washing your hair and shaving to skin rituals and hair treatments. It's no wonder, then, that it might cause a stir now and again.

Hair falls, oil and grease build-ups, partial blocking, and even damaged pipework are just a few reasons your bathroom sink may be emitting an odour. So, you can use the mixture of lemon juice and baking soda that does incredible magic and leave your drains sparkling clean and smelling wonderful. Organic citric acid is abundant in lemons, so when lemon juice and baking soda are combined, they create a foaming effect that can assist in eliminating blocks and foul odours from your drains.

Vinegar is an acid with numerous benefits and cleaning is one of them. Acids are excellent at dissolving soap scum and mineral deposits. Bring some vinegar to a simmer and gradually pour it down the drain to get the most out of it. Allow it to sit for an hour or two before rinsing it with boiling water.

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Smelly drains outside the house

If you sense a sewage smell on your lawn – or near a drainage pipe outside your home – the situation will most likely require extra care. The various causes become much more difficult to pin down once the problem has left your home's internal plumbing. It's also possible that the pipe has been broken or collapsed, resulting in blogs and backups that emit unpleasant sewage odours throughout your home. Under such situations it's time to hire a professional plumber.


Get professional help

A smelly drain in the house and problems like blocked pipes out of the blue might be exceedingly costly if you don't have coverage. If you get professional plumbing and drainage service, it will help you get rid of the smelly drain. Timely cleaning of drains in the kitchen and bathrooms for the peace of mind you deserve and to save money, time, and effort.

Get a plumbing and drainage cover

Learn step-by-step methods to fix a smelly dishwasher and ensure a fresh and hygienic kitchen environment. Explore our comprehensive guide on how to fix a smelly dishwasher for practical solutions and tips to address this common issue. 

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