Do You Need Boiler Insurance?

When you ask the question of “do I need boiler insurance” from Smart-Cover, consider the cost of repairs, inconvenience and problems of a boiler breakdown.

Boiler cover is an insurance policy that pays the costs of repairing your boiler if it breaks down.

If you rent your home, you shouldn’t need boiler insurance as this should be covered by your landlord. You may have boiler cover included as part of your home insurance policy, which also means you wouldn’t need boiler cover.

However, if you do own your home, making sure your boiler is taken care of and protected against breakdown should be a priority, especially now the summer months have finished. If your boiler does break down, there’s a high risk of you potentially being left without heating and hot water for days. It might seem easy to not think of insuring your boiler and of dealing with any problems if they happen, but boiler break downs can be sudden and can leave you with a huge repair bill.

Having your boiler covered means an engineer will come to your home if your boiler breaks down. You will be covered for the call out, the parts and the labour, leaving you with peace of mind and no expensive bills to pay.

While in the summer England can get pretty hot, temperatures can drop very quickly in the winter, as such heating and blankets become essentials. You may think it’s a waste of money to insure your boiler as you may think nothing will ever go wrong. Those people that have previously experienced a boiler break down will know just how important it is to have the boiler working. Having no hot water or heating in the winter months is very unpleasant to say the least. If you’re unsure whether you really need to pay for a monthly insurance policy, then below are some key points to consider when making your decision.


Having no hot water is a disaster

Every house needs warmth to feel like home, especially in the winter. Washing the dishes or having to shower in cold water is something nobody should have to do. How long would you be able to go without a hot shower?

With boiler insurance its unlikely you will ever have to wash in a cold shower as someone will be on their way to help as soon as possible.

It can be expensive to replace a boiler

If you don’t have your boiler covered and your boiler suddenly breaks down, you are at risk of a huge bill to repair it. It’s hard to say just how much it would cost as its different for everyone, however when adding up the cost of labour and parts it can soon get costly.

A boiler breakdown can happen overnight, and with it needing to be fixed as soon as possible, it can be hard to find the money in a short period of time.

Getting covered with insurance saves time

If your boiler breaks down it can mean you have to find an available engineer to look at the problem, and then make sure you have someone trustworthy enough not to rip you off and do the job properly. To do all of this and find the right amount of money can all get stressful, especially if you already have other things to think about.

With insurance you are one phone call away from a bunch of people that will take on the problem and send an engineer out to help you, giving you peace of mind. Once you have phoned your insurance company you can relax knowing it is being handled by a dedicated team. No stress, no comparing quotes and no costly bills.

Boiler insurance doesn’t have to be expensive

Boiler insurance can be more affordable than you think. The price of cover for you will be based on things such as the model and age of your boiler. Its worth getting a quote to see just how much you would pay, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Smart-Cover offerboiler coverfrom £5.99p/m and offer basic, essential and premium packages so that you can get cover tailored for your needs. Get a quote today.

Discover the inner workings of a boiler, understand its vital role in heating systems, and explore the processes that keep your home warm. For a detailed explanation, visit our dedicated blog on boiler operations. 


Explore the differences between boiler insurance cover and home emergency to cover your home against unexpected situations. Learn how each type of coverage can safeguard your property and make an informed decision. 

Explore peace of mind with our blog on "8 Things Your Home Emergency Insurance Should Cover." Safeguard your home against unforeseen events by ensuring your insurance covers essential aspects. From plumbing emergencies to electrical issues, we've outlined the crucial elements your policy should address.