Choosing a Landlord Home Emergency Cover

Choosing landlord emergency coverage can be daunting for newcomers or those new to home emergencies.

Finding the right landlord home emergency cover can be daunting, especially if you are new to the rental market or have never had to deal with a home emergency before. However, having the right cover in place can provide you with peace of mind and help you avoid costly repair bills. In this article, we will guide you through choosing the best landlord home emergency cover for your needs.

1. Understand What Is Covered

The first step in choosing a landlord home emergency cover is understanding what is covered. Most policies will cover emergencies such as boiler breakdowns, burst pipes, and electrical failures. However, checking the policy terms and conditions is important to see what is specifically covered. Some policies may also cover additional pest control or locksmith services.

2. Check the Limits and Exclusions

It's essential to check the limits and exclusions of the policy with any insurance type. This will help you understand the specifics of the insurance coverage. For example, some policies may limit the amount of money that can be claimed for repairs or exclude certain properties, such as those with a thatched roof.

3. Look for 24/7 Support

Emergencies can happen anytime, so it's important to choose a landlord home emergency cover that provides 24/7 support. This means that you can contact your provider at any time of the day or night and receive assistance. Some policies may also offer an emergency helpline or online chat support.

4. Compare Prices

Price is a critical factor when choosing landlord home emergency insurance. However, it's essential to compare prices carefully and ensure you get value for money. Some policies may appear cheaper upfront but have higher excess fees or lower coverage limits, so it's important to read the policy details carefully.

5. Check the Reputation of the Provider

It's always a good idea to check the provider's reputation. Look for reviews and ratings from other landlords or rental property owners to see their experiences. You can also check with regulatory bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority to ensure the provider is legitimate and regulated.

6. Consider Additional Services

Some landlord home emergency cover policies may offer additional services such as boiler servicing or gas safety checks. These additional services can be a valuable addition to your policy and help you keep your property in good condition. However, it's important to check the cost of these services and ensure they are necessary for your property.

7. Read the Policy Details Carefully

Finally, when choosing a landlord home emergency cover, carefully read the policy details. This includes the terms and conditions, the coverage limits, and the excess fees. Ensure you understand the policy before signing up, and ask any questions if you are unsure.


Choosing the right landlord home emergency cover can provide peace of mind and protection against costly repair bills. By understanding what is covered, checking the limits and exclusions, looking for 24/7 support, comparing prices, checking the provider's reputation, considering additional services, and reading the policy details carefully, you can choose insurance policies that suit your needs and budget.

Be covered against unforeseen emergencies with Smart Cover’s home emergency cover. Get cover against the cost of call-out fees and repairs for emergencies, such as blocked drains, boiler breakages, burst pipes, electrical faults and more. If you’re considering getting landlord home emergency insurance, get in touch with us and let’s talk!